Main Application Window

Main Application Window

When you first log in to Ciiva you will be greeted with the Main Application Window. The main application window consists of various parts.

Main application window


The top part of the window contains the Toolbar. This toolbar contains some core buttons which are always available, and is extended depending upon the selected tabbed document.

Tabbed Document Control

The main part of the window which takes up the majority of the space is the Tabbed Document Control. The tabbed document control hosts a variety of different windows, which are created based on some user action, such as opening a product BOM, using the online search feature, or clicking the settings button in the toolbar.

Navigation Pane

On the left hand side of the window is the Navigation Pane. The navigation pane contains three Navigation Bands.

The Products and Versions navigation band list all Products and Product Versions. The icons for the product versions change depending on whether the product version has any BOM content, or whether it is “End of Life”.

For product versions that have BOM content (identified by a green checkmark in the icon), you can double-click on the product version to open the product BOM in a new Bill of Materials window which is added to the tabbed document control.

The Wish Lists navigation band lists all wish lists and provides a drag and drop method for creating new wish lists from the Component Library Navigator. Double-clicking on a wish list will open it in a new Wish List Navigator which is added to the tabbed document control.

The Online Component Search navigator band provides access to the online component search feature. Any manufacturer or supplier part number can be queried, and results are displayed in a new online search results window which is added to the tabbed document control.

Status Bar

The bottom of the window hosts the Status Bar. The status bar hosts a variety of controls.

The Username control displays the name of the user that is currently logged in or working offline.

The Database Name control displays the name of the database that is currently loaded.

The Database Type control displays the database type, which can be either “Free” or “Pro” depending upon the database subscription.

The Logged In Status control shows whether the user is currently logged in or whether they are working offline.

The Network Status control shows the connection quality between the client and the node server. This reports the server connection latency in milliseconds, and uses a coloured progress bar to indicate connection quality. Ciiva will still work perfectly fine over poor connections. You may however notice a delay in certain tasks that involve server communication, such as updating component attributes.

The Task Status control provides some text information on the current task in progress, and will sit at “Idle” when no task is in progress.

The Task Progress control is a progress bar that gives information on the progress of the current task. This bar can operate in two modes; the first reports a percentage value and is proportionally filled blue from left to right according to the value. The second is wait mode, where a block continually moves from left to right. Wait mode is used when the application is unable to tell exactly how much progress has been made on a task.

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